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Friday, October 26, 2012

analysis of economic, environmental, social

Every effort is being run course will provide both positive and negative. Positive and negative impacts of this will be felt by all parties, both employers themselves and the community around the existing environment.Suppose an entrepreneur wants to build a garage and caat Kenteng car located between settlements. Obviously they run businesses will provide both positive and negative.
The following will describe an analysis of the economic, social, and environment in an EIA report:
A. Economic and Social Aspects

The Economics
The positive impact of the economic aspects of the community:

Can improve the economic environment through: reducing unemployment in the surrounding communities recently increasing.
Dig, set up and use of natural resources through the economy: with the Cat Car Workshop Kenteng and the community can take advantage of existing facilities.
Government to boost the economy through: with the Kenteng and Car Paint Repair can help governments to improve economic growth in areas that have not been sufficiently developed.

Social Aspects
Positive ImpactThe positive impact of social aspects for society in general is the availability of facilities and infrastructure that are needed:

Demographic changes over the unemployment rate, which in the course of business creation requires employers of labor which can be drawn from the local community.
Cultural changes that may impact on the change in public attitudes, that the public will get an overview of entrepreneurship.
Negative ImpactThe negative impact of social aspects for society in general are air pollution from smoke production machine that would be bad for local communities, among others interfere with public health.
B. Environmental AspectsEnvironment is one aspect that should be considered further before determining a business. This is done solely so that an employer can determine the impact of positive and negative impacts that will arise from the work done.
Positive ImpactEmployment opportunities for the growing communities in which it can reduce the level of unemployment, especially in the community.Negative Impact

Can improve people's lives, although not significantly so.
Air pollution which may interfere with the health of the community.
Noise pollution from production machines.
Can interfere with the surrounding community.

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